“Trust the timing of your life.” - Eric Bigger
It’s Miracle Season!! If you’ve heard this before you definitely watched The Bachelorette and like myself, you are a fan of Eric Bigger.
“Move with the Cheese and It’s Miracle Season” are Eric’s tagline throughout his time on The Bachelorette, Bachelor Winter Games and Bachelor in Paradise.

This week, you’ll get to meet Eric Bigger. The nicest, most generous, sincere and funny guy I’ve spoken with.
I give you Eric Bigger!
Tell me about yourself:
EB: I was born and raised in Baltimore. I left at 20 to go to junior college to be an entrepreneur. After college I went to LA, after three signs that I had gotten to make the move. My dad pushed me to go to LA and I left with $1,000 to my name.
Did you ever think you would be on a reality show?
EB: I never would have thought I would be on reality TV. I’m a very private person. It was very surreal and happened at the right time.
Did you like being on the Winter Games or Bachelor in Paradise better?
EB: Paradise was more chill and laid back. I wasn’t in the space to find love when I was on Winter Games. I’m not a Winter Guy, but I gave it my best.

Was there any past Bachelor alums you wished were in paradise?
EB: Becca (Tilley) and Vanessa (Grimaldi). Becca is very humble and sweet.
You have your own podcast “Bigger Talks”, do you have any dream guests you would like to have join you?
EB: Tony Robbins, he’s an inspiration. Also, Barack Obama.
Who has been your favorite podcast guest?
EB: My Aunt, she was able to tell her story and she’s the bread winner of the family. Dexter Darden from the Maze Runner, he was the most energetic. Also, DeMario (Jackson, fellow Bachelorette contestant, also one of my past articles) he was one of my first guests. He’s also energetic and very smart.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
EB: Keep Goin’. It’s cliche, but no matter what boundaries there are, just keep goin’, no matter what.
Tell me about “It’s Miracle Season” and “Move with the Cheese”
EB: When I was one of the four guys that was able to meet Rachel (Lindsay) on After the Final Rose, I said that to her and it just stuck. It’s about using your intuition. I fell in love for the first time and it happened on TV. So when “It’s Miracle Season” stuck, I just ran with it. Even Chris Harrison used the term.
As for Move with the Cheese, I used it while having a conversation with Kenny (King) on paradise. Because it you want something go get it.
FUN FACT: Eric doesn’t even like cheese!!
What was your favorite date you got to go on during your time on any of the shows?
EB: My date in Copenhagen. I broke a lot of fears, I was scared of heights, roller coasters, and I can’t swim. So my fears were put to the test.
If you were approached to be the Bachelor would you?
EB: Last year, yes. This year, maybe. Next year, if it makes sense.

Say Colton quit, and you were asked at this moment to be the next Bachelor:
EB: Yes, I would. It’s a crazy risk.
How do you feel about Colton being the Bachelor?
EB: I was surprised! I thought it would be Blake.
And finally, if you could dinner with three people who would they be?
EB: Steve Jobs, he is innovative and I would love to just know how he thinks. Oprah, she’s been through it all, and she resembles my aunt. And finally, MLK, just to know his intentions and how he thinks too. He caused a complete shift paradigm.
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