So, after last week's episode of Ex on the Beach, I think we all learned that you shouldn't go into a photo booth and take innocent pictures with your ex in front of their new significant other.... Am I right, Monte?
Wait, slow down, what am I talking about you ask? Well then you're behind on Ex on the Beach. So get to it. But just wait, before you go watch the episode you gotta stay here and get to know this weeks guest: Monte Massongill.
If you're not behind on Ex on the Beach then you know who Monte is, or if you're a Big Brother fan, you also know who he is. But let's get to it and you can really get to know Monte in this weeks interview!
I give you, Monte!

What's a fun fact about you some people may not know?
Wait, slow down, what am I talking about you ask? Well then you're behind on Ex on the Beach. So get to it. But just wait, before you go watch the episode you gotta stay here and get to know this weeks guest: Monte Massongill.
If you're not behind on Ex on the Beach then you know who Monte is, or if you're a Big Brother fan, you also know who he is. But let's get to it and you can really get to know Monte in this weeks interview!
I give you, Monte!
Tell me about yourself:
MM: Hey I was born in Nashville , TN and I mostly grew up around Memphis area. Lived in Nashville, east Tennessee, Memphis area. I have 2 sisters , one older, one younger , so middle child and only son (talk about a headcase)!
Growing up did you ever think you would be on reality tv?
MM: I can't say I ever thought I was going to be on reality TV growing up honestly. I've mostly focused on family, friends, faith, drums , outdoors, and sports. Not much of a reality TV show person.
Tell me about your time on Big Brother-
MM: Big Brother was an awesome experience. I was actually trying to get on a sports broadcasting show. In short that show never developed but I did meet a casting friend through that process. A month after it had been shut down I texted him saying thanks for giving me a shot and a interview etc. He then asked " have you ever heard of big brother?" I said "no, what is that?"
So that lead to him saying id be great on it and the next 2 months were full of phone calls, friends being called on my behalf, tons of paperwork, and interviews. Once you're selected for "finals" ,the final 50 candidates to be casted are flown to California for a week long interview. This was my favorite part of the whole experience. For that week I stayed in a nice hotel. I watched college football, ate like a king, had scheduled workout times ( asked for more numerous days) had scheduled pool times and dinner times. All while i had to be playing "big brother" The other candidates were doing the same but there is zero tolerance for communicating with each other at any point, despite working out next to each other, swimming pool time, and dinner. Also all the bloodwork and 4 hour psych exam , no fun. Its a very unique and competitive experience. I loved it and ultimately was chosen. Side note , now great friend of mine (Alex Willett) thought I was a douche bag and hated me just from judging that week. Shelby tried to talk to me numerous times and me and Tyler Crispen worked out next to each other all week. Morgan, had dinner across from me at one point, keep in mind zero communication allowed, talk about awkward but adds to the intensity. Anyways, once you're chosen you get stuck in a hotel for over a week. No phone, TV, etc. Did not leave the room once!! 10 days. Many push ups were done, short stories written and life reflecting happened during that time. Once inside the house talk about a rush. I enjoyed my time in the house but not so much all the backstabbing and middle school girl gossip that is big brother. I am forever grateful for the friends and connections from it but can't say it was all fun or healthy. I think its a little rigged for veterans. (humor intended there).

Let's talk Ex on The Beach, how was it coming in late, tell me about your time overall:
MM: Fast forward almost 2 years and I'm walking up to see Morgan on a beach in beautiful Malibu, California. I really enjoyed this experience much more. I actually wasn't under a microscope every single second. I had opportunities to talk to friends off the record, etc. Much more freedom and ability to be yourself. I don't like being controlled or trapped. Coming in pretty much halfway through the season is a challenge in itself. A lot of connections already established and people don't want anymore issues. Since its still airing, I can't really go into much detail but I had a blast with everyone in there. Me and Rob were the cooks (97% him) I trained the entire house one night and have countless memories with so many great people.
If you could be on any other reality show which would it be?
MM: If I could be on any other reality show id have to say something that's physically demanding. That's my advantage , not so much the crafty and deceitful skills it takes for Big Brother etc. I'm too honest of a guy for those. So anything relating to physical comps.
You're into music, tell me about your music:
MM: I can absolutely shred the drums. I've had a raw talent with it my entire life. I can play blues, rock, jazz, etc/ cover anything. One of my favorite things, if not my favorite thing in my life!

Who are some of your favorite musicians and who would you duet with if you could?
MM: Obviously a duet with Travis Barker would be cool. I think playing with Chevelle or Texas in July would be a dream come true.
What are you up to now post filming, will we see you on anything else anytime soon?
MM: I actually have been reached out for another show on a big network... Can't release details but its brewing into a possibility. Other than that I've been adjusting to life out west and exploring the amazing outdoors of Pacific Northwest.
What's a fun fact about you some people may not know?
MM: I'm actually a huge need. Dragonballz and Starwars still impact me daily.
If you could have dinner with three people who would they be and why?
Oh that's tough. Rachael McAdams, Blake Lively, Margot Robbie. All three are blessed with talent and raw beauty.
Three guys would be Matthew McConaughey , Will Smith, Chipper Jones. True detective talk with Matthew, Will Smith because I'm a 90s kid, and legendary hall of fame 3rd baseman Chipper.
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