Welcome back! It's been a while since my last Whitterview, I got caught up in the Holidays, Work, and just life in general. But I'm super happy to bring you my latest Whitterview. This weeks Whitterview is with a Betch (@betches on social media); THE Taylor Jackson. One of the masterminds behind the social media page @offcampus.
A Betch is: "Someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind and is able to embrace their inner basic bitch tendencies. They can make fun of/laugh at themselves but always remain 100% honest with what they believe in." - Taylor Jackson
I was very excited to get to know Taylor as she is hilarious to follow along with on Social Media as well as a creative genius.
So let's get to it! I'm pleased to introduce you to Taylor!

I definitely use my college experiences as inspiration for the content we produce but I also use stories I have heard from friends. As the Off Campus community grows we often get a lot of emails and DMs from our followers sharing their own wild experiences. Let’s just say content comes easy with this crowd.
B1zPpwqnox-/ But I also love when some sort of meme format is trending and creating an Off Campus version for it: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5JIztEHyFr/

Continue to follow along with Social Media Phenom Taylor on her social media pages: @taylajacksonn on Instagram
@taylajaackson12 on Twitter
A Betch is: "Someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind and is able to embrace their inner basic bitch tendencies. They can make fun of/laugh at themselves but always remain 100% honest with what they believe in." - Taylor Jackson
I was very excited to get to know Taylor as she is hilarious to follow along with on Social Media as well as a creative genius.
So let's get to it! I'm pleased to introduce you to Taylor!
Tell me about you!
TJ: I’m currently 24 years old working in NYC for two years now. For anyone that asks “where are you from?” I always answer with “Do you know where Atlantic City is?” No, I’m not from Atlantic City but no one knows where Upper Township is. Aka a small town about 30 mins south of Atlantic City. I went to Ocean City HIgh School which was conveniently located on the beach (humble brag) and my parents have lived in the same house since I was born. I’m the youngest sibling with two older brothers and an older sister (and two nieces and a nephew). I went to Temple University in Philadelphia where I got my BA in Advertising. And right after graduation I started working at Betches Media and have been here since!
Did you always want to get into media growing up?
TJ: From the ages of 5 to about 14 I wanted to move to Hollywood and become a famous actress (because who didn’t?) This interest in the entertainment world and my failure to become the next Hilary Duff, steered me into pursuing a degree in media. I actually went into college as a broadcast journalist major but switched over to advertising shortly after. I knew it was the world I wanted to be a part of but it took me a little bit to figure out exactly how and what I wanted to be doing. Which luckily led me here.
What's your favorite thing about your job?
TJ: My favorite thing about my job is that I get to be creative and original every single day. I’m also so grateful to work for a company that allows their employees to make all of their creative ideas come to life from the idea, to the execution all the way to the final product. I also love all of the fun opportunities this job has given me, from premiere parties to Coachella, definitely stuff I never imagined I’d be able to go to. Working with so many extremely talented and hilarious people keeps everyday different and exciting and I’ve met some of the greatest people that I consider good friends now. This sounds cliche AF, but I actually do love going to work everyday.
Betches, gets alot of celebrities to stop by, who has been your favorite person to meet and who is your dream person to come stop by for a visit?
TJ: I would have to say Vinny Guadagnino simply because I grew up watching Jersey Shore and obviously had a huge crush on him. It’s actually super funny because he has come into the office twice since I started at Betches and the first time I met him I had just come off of a Red Eye flight from Coachella and looked...disgusting. Fast forward a year, he came in to be a guest on Off Campus (which didn’t exist the year prior) and let’s just say I was much more prepared this time (literally hired people to do my makeup and hair but I needed to redeem myself).
My dream guest I would love to have in the office is probably either Billie Ellish, Kris Jenner, Shawn Mendes, or Justin Bieber.
Tell me about Off Campus and do you use your own college experiences or are you just that incredibly clever (which I bet, that stuff is made from a creative genius!)
TJ: Off Campus is like my first born child. I pitched the idea of expanding the Betches audience to reach the ever evolving college demographic by creating a specific vertical producing strictly college content, which came to life when we launched Off Campus. The main Instagram audience are those currently in college but it’s also for those who wish they could re-live the good old college days. We created an original format where we do an “Off Campus Google Search" for individual schools using inside jokes from that campus. This has helped our audience grow immensely and has spread our audience to cover all areas of the country.I definitely use my college experiences as inspiration for the content we produce but I also use stories I have heard from friends. As the Off Campus community grows we often get a lot of emails and DMs from our followers sharing their own wild experiences. Let’s just say content comes easy with this crowd.
What has been your favorite meme to make?
TJ: So far my favorite meme I’ve made is anything involving a Rickey Thompson video because he is everything. Specifically this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/
Tell me about what else you do for Betches besides Off Campus?
TJ: I started as the community manager at Betches and then transitioned to be the Branded Content and Marketing Coordinator which is basically the creative liaison between our content team and brands we are working with. I got to work on both the business side of things while also being able to be creative. My title and role has recently changed and I am now a Social Media Manager, working exclusively on the content team, while having a large role in the creative concepts for the main Betches Instagram story.
How did you get the job at Betches?
TJ: This is actually one of my fav stories. So as a senior in college we were working on developing our own personal brands before applying for jobs and my professor said “ cater your personal brand to the dream place you want to work at.” So that’s exactly what I did with Betches. Even though there wasn’t any current open position that I qualified for, I perfected my resume and cover letter and legitimately had my mom drive me to NYC and physically dropped off 3 hot pink manila folders filled with my resume and hand written cover letters for each of the 3 founders. Kay Brown (Betches social media queen) answered the door and said “Thanks!” shut the door, and I got back in the car and my mom drove me home. That night at 5pm I got an email from one of the girls and had an interview two days later. I was offered a job and started two weeks after graduation!
If you could be on any reality show which would it be and why?
TJ: Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I mean the perks of being a Kardashian or even a friend of the Kardashians or even someone who works for the Kardashians, are unmatched. And who wouldn't want to be invited to the annual Kris Jenner Christmas party?
Who is your celebrity crush?
TJ: Oh god, I have quite a few. 1. Shawn Mendes (duh) 2. Pete Davidson 3. Brody Jenner and most recently 4. Jimmy Garoppolo
If you could have dinner with three people who would they be and why?
TJ: If I could have dinner with three people it would probably be Matthew McConaughey, Will Smith and Shrek (don’t ask).Continue to follow along with Social Media Phenom Taylor on her social media pages: @taylajacksonn on Instagram
@taylajaackson12 on Twitter
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